Strategy I use to make $100 per day in the FOREX MARKET★★★★☆ 8231:

Alright guys so we're bout to talk about Forks and what we've made this weekend today was the kill enjoy what's good guys so check this out this is today on my queens Tiffany's account over five hundred and forty dollars today five hundred and forty nine dollars a week for the week or we have is 1900 once I say for the week okay cool let's look take your account yeah is this a live account very loved that's like cannot it not in the demo flexing okay looks like over real quick cash money homie.

 so guys I'm about to show you my account so I'm not gods were about to say so you know it's real we go straight there what do we have for the day we have two thousand nine hundred eighty seven for the day okay do you know Josh you know made nine thousand a week I literally make two or three hundred dollars a day training for 30 minutes to one hour a day now trades and incredible skills at the half bath because you can really return no money into a lot of money every single thing so what this videos gonna go we're going to show you guys how the market works I'm gonna show you some proof first different people that we've helped you know create massive success within the market and I promise you if you watch to the end of this video you'll not only learn something but you're gonna be super excited about learning and skill sets where it doesn't require our balls doesn't acquire a job application and we want to help you in the retarded she's deprived movement retired within 365 days now my name is Brenna string grab you're making six figures from home for maybe eight years now I'm having worked a job in 10 and I've created six figures with the time freedom so I'm not putting my time for money I have money and time and that's the true freedom that everyone should want to achieve now what I want to show you some different results before I go over what is the foreign exchange market how you can make money so as you can see guys we have different people getting amazing results Steve is in one of our people these people they would turn $2,000 to over $100,000 as you see these are this different real life people getting results one hundred thirty thousand fourteen dollars to fifty three as you see guys people are getting results they even got their children learning my two year old cousin just made $65 copy-pasting so we're gonna go over all of it you I saw guys this I just want to show you proof that there are people on our team make have a match success and we can teach you to do the same thing if you rock with our team now whoever sold you this video guys before we get this information please get back in contact with now what is the foreign exchange market it is very very simple guys one set let me move this block you and it tasted clear yes okay perfect so guys what is the foreign exchange market I know this looks very hard and it's crazy but you see knows regular people making two or three hundred dollars per day in the market yeah I went through a group for our team just showing random people they'd they go to school for ten years they didn't have 8 plus college degrees all they did was take time to learn something different and stop believing that everything is hard because they don't unders because it looks foreign at the beginning so whether the foreign exchange market basically what you're doing is you're day trading currency if you're not buying stocks like the chairs like in a stock market you're day trading currencies now foreign exchange market is five point three trillion dollars a day traded every single day so people are making hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and there are people like us who are making two or three hundred dollars per day but there are people who ask me making two or three hundred dollars per day winning the market so guys all we're doing is trading day trading currencies we're not by purchasing anything we're basically bidding on if the mark is gonna go up or down now as you see guys I'm gonna just teach you how for insane to market works i'ma teach you a technique that you can take home today in practice and you can start making some money today now the Great Britain pound vs. Japanese yen for example or we put the euro versus USD or we put it in euro versus JPY so to keep it simple I like that I like the compared to real life I like to compare things of real-life situations so imagine the Great Britain pound is the Patriots and the JPY is the Giants in football and you're basically not bit you're basically betting on either the Great Britain pound which is the Patriots or the Giants which is the JPY on what's one is going to win now that's the best way to explain a lot because people get confused with stocks they believe they're purchasing something when you're bidding against one team you're not buying that team you're basically betting on that team to the win so you can make money so you're basically trying to figure out is the market gonna go up or down so whichever pair is first guys when the market goes up that pair is getting stronger against the other pair so when this market shut up from here to here the Drake Britain town got stronger but when the market shot from here down here from this point the Japanese yen got stronger now that doesn't mean that Japanese yen is stronger overall but from here when you took your train from here he got stronger as far as he got stronger over over time but it's not as it doesn't mean it's worth more so it's very simple guys your basic trying to figure out which direction the market is gonna go and you can make money now how does it work guys when you're looking at the market you're trying to figure out well how do I know which way it works goes how do I know how much money I'm gonna make how does this work now the market moves up and pips and down the tip so the easiest way from the explain that is window if I told you I ran far you have no idea for our rent if I told you I ran 10 miles you can tell me I ran 10 miles now if I told you up in the market you have no idea how far away the market bots are going down in the market you know I love I told y'all went 10 pips up then that's how you know how much for example let's say you I said you look I went 50 pips up in the market that you know from here to here was 50 pips if I told you I went 50 pips now in the market then you know all the way up 80 pips now they don't want 10 pips up maybe I went home with 10 pips up in the market or maybe I went 100 cooks up in the market so guys we're just trying to figure out that v is just a unit of measurement or how far you were in the market so the over complicate Morgan is now housing pips and correlate to how you make money now let's say that we both I'm gonna write it out we both have a $1000 account I have a $1,000 account and use have a $1,000 account and you can start with 50 bucks you can start with a hundred bucks I'm just giving the example on the power forks let's say that we are about to oops I have up my name is brandon has equals $1,000 you people $1,000 now I'm going to do $1 cook them explain that amazing minute and you're gonna do three dollars per kid so when I'm about to take my trade guys I need to figure out let's say that we think the markets about to move up and I'm going to tell you how to know the marks about to move up in a second but let's say that we believe the mark is about to move up and let's say it moves up 100 pips let's say this is 100 clip move now before we took a strain we took the tree let's say the markets moving like this every 15 mins of Christian to candlestick an account stick saw these bars and let's say that you know what I'm looking at the charts and I said you know what guys I believe the markets about to go up around this area I'm gonna tell you why in a minute so you like you agree with me you say Brenda you're right I believe the market is about to go up so you say you know what I'm about to take this training for a body by me is up I'm gonna write that down too cuz I'm teaching you guys right now by means up and remember we're not purchasing this is just a terminology by me up sell me down something you know I think this is gonna be a good buy so it means we think the market about to go up so you say you know what let's do trade right now for buy and I say Brahma do one dollar tip and you're gonna bail okay I'm gonna do three dollars a pip and let's say the market goes down a little bit and what happens is it starts to shoot up let's say this is we made let's say we pull it out right here so you know what this is another guy's made enough money I said we made a hundred pictures just now that see that happen I said we took this trade we went to sleep honey Bob they looked at in our phone so you know about one o'clock I made the money you closed the trade and it went up a hundred cups well I'd me a dollar a pill so my account size I've my accounts out went from $1,000 to $1,100 and that's a two hours you did three dollars a pill so that means you get $3 for every pip in the market I got $1 for every cook in the market so since you did three you made $300 so you'll count salesmen from $1,000 to 1,300 now guys imagine you averaged every single day 100 pips in the market I averaged to 300 kids a day but what if you only averaged 50 to 100 pips and let's say that you only do 50 cents a pill so let's say if you did 50 cents a pill we're gonna do something small you did 50 cents a pill and you only did you do 100 pips a day that's $50 a day let's say you trade 4 times a week it was fifty times four that's $200 per week now let's say that you started off with a hundred dollar account and I say you start off $100 myself 1,000 you did $0.50 a pip by the end of the month you made two hundred dollars for four weeks early that means you've made that a maybe a hundred dollars plus the hundred started with now you have nine hundred dollars at the end of the month now doing up it from fifty cents a pill to one dollar pip and then you gonna average 100 pips a day so now is that you go on making two hundred dollars a week you make four hundred dollars every week a week that's in one month you've made $1,600 $1,600 plus the nine hundred yard you have now you have in two months $2,500 now guess what guys let's do it let's flip again now since you averaging 100 pips a day for four days a week and you have a $2,500 account that's through four dollars okay well that's the three dollars a pip - three dollars per pip and you have again 100 pips a day that's a hundred times three that's four times B that's 1200 a week times forward that's $4,800 that you just get you made that lump plus you had 2500 in your account so now your account size is seventy three hundred imagine you build your account up and Street all this to ten thousand dollars over a hundred some $100 and you keep that 10,000 in there you aim for a hundred cups a day times 10 that's $1,000 a day you make any money times four you're making $4,000 a week and you can take that money out as much as you want you could check the whole 10,000 ah but I want to teach you the power of compounding and then now you can so the bigger your accountants guys the more money that you can do her kit so I'm going to take you a quick strategy aha one strategy now guys I figure out which way the market is going to go you need multiple confirmations so on one conformation I use I'm not gonna go over every confirmation behalf of cool education platform I'll have to check it out which way the mark is gonna go but the first thing I look for is a M or W so let's say this is the start of new market every time you see this blue line starting mark so I always start after the blue line and I say the market goes down I won't look for any more W so let's see the market look down so what is that look like I'm gonna show you out anymore W up attached to look first in the forest market looks basically like this is how I am or W look you are you looking for democracy go down down now you know this I'm ace minutes @w I made sure to put it lower than this last of you so the mark has to go down up lower than last time she didn't shoot up or you decide in looks he goes up he goes down he goes up higher then he goes down so it has to go hook down higher than the last one and down so we're going to actually draw he's out and we're gonna look for a couple of them so you can so you can see how easy training is to remove all draw tools so that's let's look at this first one really quick the market move down so when it moves down what we looking at first we're looking for a W the market will move up the mark and move down is...