HOW TO MAKE $500 DAILY! (Secret strategy) 

 How to earn a lot of money online from home

Show you how to make 100 200 300 and even 500 dollars per day with a very simple copy and paste ad system and all we're doing we're copying pasting ads on social media sites on Craigslist and other marketing platforms but first if this is your first time on my channel welcome this channel is all about how to make money online 2019 how to generate a full-time or part-time income:

So you can create financial freedom and time freedom by leveraging the power of the internet and member to member direct pay programs like the one I'm gonna have to show you now I've jam-packed this video with a lot of value actually step-by-step training chances are you are in other programs and that's cool because this is gonna help you out I was going to share this with only members of my team but I thought no I'm gonna put this out there I'm all about giving value and I've been very successful online and I just want to give back to you guys but here you go I've got three websites where you can generate free traffic alright and I'm gonna show those to you step-by-step right now okay here we go but first I want to show you some results that I'm getting from a very simple copy and paste ads business. Now this YouTube video here is all about copy and paste ads and you know I'm not going to redirect you to some other offer that really doesn't pertain to copy and paste ads this is the real deal right here I want to show you some results that I've been getting with this business right now but first a little income disclaimer all right now these are my results results are not typical in no way do I guarantee that you will get these results if any at all. let's log in right now I want to show you the date really quickly here it is Wednesday August 21st 2019 all right login right here and this is me as you can see right here okay let's go to Commission surd all right so again it is August 21st and I'm at eleven thousand seven hundred dollars this month and this is a very consistent business as you can see here five hundred five hundred 200 500 500 and this is every day okay I am getting sales every day and this is the first of August seven hundred five hundred five hundred three hundred five hundred so this is a very very consistent copy-and-paste ads business where you can make 100 200 300 and even five hundred dollars per sale okay that's per sale and that's a hundred percent Commission's sent directly to you this is August let's go back to July right here I made fifteen thousand seven hundred June fifteen thousand one hundred May nineteen thousand three hundred dollars very consistent business this is the copy and paste ads business to be honest with you I've been online for nine years this is the very best small ticket business that I've ever aligned myself with April twenty one thousand one hundred march twenty thousand nine hundred let's go back one more and in february nineteen thousand dollars again we're in August right here now this is a start of the busy season as you can say June July you know August little slower right now this is the start of the busy season if you have not had success online for this year yet it's not too late we are in August okay but it's not too late to align yourself with copy-and-paste ads business like the one that I'm going to show you right here and there's two reasons why I'm showing these results okay number one I just want you to know that this is working number two you may not know me from a hole in the ground right so I just wanted to let you know that I'm on the level to show you how to do this stuff and what I mean by that to show you how to make money online whether that's just making an extra 500 to $1,500 per week or earning a full-time six-figure plus income with this just just this one income stream like I'm doing alright let's get back to the training okay let's get started with the training right now I'm really excited to share with you three websites where you can advertise absolutely free get traffic leads and sales all right so this first one is a classified ad site alright it's called the free advertising forum and not a lot of people know about this they have over a hundred thousand people registered here so your ads will get seen there's no question about that and what I love about it is that their business opportunity friendly so you can post whatever affiliate program whatever work from home opportunity you have here and it will be just fine it'll get eyeballs on it and you'll get leads alright so again this is called the free ad form so right now I'm gonna show you how to copy and paste ads and make 100 to 500 dollars online with this training first thing we're going to do is register for our account very very easy to do email address confirm email enter the access code here I already have an account as you see but put your username and the password you want confirm your password and agree to their terms of service and then click Submit then it's going to ask you to go to your email and confirm your subscription that's all you have to do all right so now we're going to login all right I have my information here we have to do this access code here you always have to do that so let me do that right now okay login and this is actually what it's gonna look like when you log in right here what you want to do you want to click on place it for yet which brings you to this page right here and what we're gonna do is choose a category I would not worry about this right here because we're gonna be placing a free ad you have the option to have your ad out front and to be seen longer okay but I'll get into that in a little bit so what we want to do is we want to click on jobs then we want to click on business opportunities okay that's cool now make sure this says 90 days no cost because we're not gonna pay for this ad like I said there are some options right here but you're gonna choose 90-day no-cost and they're gonna put in your title alright now in the description of this video there's a link I've created a whole swipe file for you I've got headlines I've got the body itself and I've got some other things I created it especially for you absolutely free now I'm not sure what opportunity that you're promoting what affiliate program but these ads or these headlines and ad copy will work for most all right and again absolutely free it's in the link at the bottom of this video okay so let's get started we're gonna post the title okay we're gonna copy and paste the title so I have some right here so these are the headlines right here and I'm gonna choose let's see which one do I want okay could you use five hundred dollars today step by instructions okay let's do that one so we're gonna copy we're gonna go back over here we're gonna post the title in just like that easy as that now we've got the body okay this is the body and I have those as well again in the description of this video there's gonna be a link with all of these and I'm gonna add a lot more to him okay let's see here let's do and this is good okay again we're gonna copy I'm gonna go back and we're gonna paste that in just like that now the tags here really good to use tags people will do searches certain keywords how to make money from home make money from home all that stuff now I have the tags in here as well so so when you do tags there must be a comma after okay for example work from home comma work from home jobs comma okay so these are keywords that people might search for all right and what we want to do let's just copy all of them you don't have to put all of them in there but let's just put all of them in there right now okay we're gonna paste those in there and you don't have to worry about price anything like that your email address with the country the United States and of course I'm in Minnesota let's just do that but you can post anywhere all right and let's do Minneapolis st. Paul okay now this is very important you're gonna put the URL to your capture pages okay I'll do that right now all right that goes right to my capture page you can also put images in here and I actually have some images here that I've already used put those in here it's easy to find images as a matter of fact if you go to google okay let's just put this in there roll of money okay and we'll use this one would be cool right here you can download this save as gonna save this computer I'll just put roll 1 download that to my desktop and I'll show you how I'll just switch that out for you okay so we'll get rid of that select the file again and that should be right here oh here it is miss all right there okay so we've got that or you got the idea you can put money or anything you want in there there's an option to place your YouTube video now of course I have a youtube channel so absolutely I will I'll just put my YouTube video in there right there okay post ads make money now if you don't have one you can always use my video that's fine okay so that's really all you have to do here now it's a zero cost now if you want to add these little attention getters here that's fine but as mentioned before this is absolutely free so we're not gonna do that okay you can preview your ad right here let's just check it out see how it looks here alright so here's the ad I am gonna replace that I don't like that at all you get the idea all right here's your ad and right here is where the links gonna be visit my website there you go you just have to click accept and submit okay and there you have it your order has been received successfully Thanks that's it and here's the actual ad I just posted here posted a couple others - here you can see they're getting views and actually that was just the other day okay very excellent website to get absolutely free traffic to your offer now I'm going to show you the second website that you can use to copy and paste ads and make money with it's absolutely free again this is a free classified ad site and it's called free global classified ads it works the same way as the other one all you have to do is register for your free account once you have you just have to log in alright and this is what it looks like right here and of course we want to click on this orange button up there publish your ad for free and again it kind of works the same way so you have to choose in a category now this one has a work from home as well as a business opportunity so we can choose work from home and here are your going to put your headline in and remember the swipe file that I'm going to give you for free in the description okay you can put the headline in here put the body right here again you can get those from my swipe file you know worried about the price the country now here is where you're gonna put your website and right here again we're gonna do the keywords you also have those in my swipe file as well you can also put a YouTube video in here okay and then you click on publish now they have some upgrades if you want to but absolutely free in between those two sites you can get a lot of visitors leads and hopefully some sales. all right now the third website that I wanted to show you it's a it's actually a strategy okay it's actually a really cool strategy and I just learned this not too long ago so I wanted to pass this on to you but it's in Craigslist now I know what you're thinking we're not gonna actually post a Craigslist ad okay here's what we're gonna do and it's really a cool method. I want to bring my screen down here because I really want to show you what we're what we're after right here again a lot of people will come to Craigslist with an opportunity will think hey I'm gonna post ads well here's a whole other strategy okay so let's go after the people who actually have resumes okay so you click on resumes you're gonna go over here now I should have widened my screen sorry about that as you can see now a lot of these people really don't have a profession they're just looking for work okay and it probably really doesn't matter to them they just need money I guess the best way to do this what I've learned is just to put in here work from home and you can see I already did it and there's a handful of people in my area here now this is good one looking for odds-and-ends abs flexible part-time okay now you can reply to these people and I actually have this script in that swipe file alright so what we're gonna do we're gonna reply let's do Gmail okay and let me show you the script here Craigslist script this is why you're innocent first hi I saw your inquiry on Craigslist about you looking for work I may have just what you're looking for it pays out 100% commissions of 100 to 500 dollars and...