5 Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel 

Today I'm here with what is hopefully going to be a very helpful video. This is part two to my YouTube success series that I started a couple weeks ago. I posted a video, basically a story time video, explaining my whole entire YouTube journey, how I became a full-time YouTuber, how I got my first sponsorship deal, how this whole thing came about for me. So, if you guys have not seen that first video, I highly recommend you check that out before watching this one:

I will link that down below for you guys and up in the cards. But this video is going to be more focused in on five top tips that are proven to help grow your YouTube channel. So, like I said, these are just going to be five simple tips on how to grow your channel, meaning how to get more subscribers, how to get more views, and how to just become more successful on YouTube overall. These will work whether you have a small channel that you just started or whether you've had a channel for awhile, you felt like you hit a plateau, you need a boost. These will work for any YouTuber, any type of YouTuber in any community. So, a quick little blurb about me in case you guys don't know just so you know where I'm coming from with these tips. I actually have, like I said, been on YouTube for like 10 years. I'm like kind of an OG when it comes to this. I have built up a pretty good following, but last year in like 2017 I really felt like I hit a plateau with my channel. My channel had always been consistently, steadily growing. I was really happy with my growth. But then, last year it seemed like it slowed down a lot. I was not getting the views that I wanted on most of my videos, and I was not gaining subscribers like I used to. So, this year in 2018 I hired my mom as my official mom-ager and she actually has some background in this. Before she started helping me with my YouTube channel, she actually had her own business helping other business owners with their social media presence and their search engine optimization and different things like that online. So, she did actually have some background. So, this year with the help of my mom and the research that she did and the work that I put in and these five tips that we discovered that I'm about to share with you guys, this year has been going really well for my channel. I was kind of stuck at about 500,000 subscribers. I finally hit 600,000. And in the month of March alone I gained 50,000 subscribers, which is over five times the amount of subscribers I would usually gain a month. Also, on top of that, my watch time on my videos went up, my views went up, and of course, with all of that means that my income also went up. So, the past few months for me this year have been going really, really well and I wanted to share with you guys what I've been doing. Okay, so now, jumping right in, I'm gonna start off with tip number five. Make sure you watch until the end of the video to reach tip number one, which is our top tip. But tip number five is to be consistent. And I know that you guys have probably heard this time and time again in different videos and people trying to give you advice, but consistency really is key. It also helps to put yourself on a schedule and let your followers know what that uploading schedule is. So, if you're going to post three times a week, pick those three days of the week and be consistent with it. Always post on the same day and even at the same time of day if you can be that organized, sometimes it's hard. But if you have like Wednesday at 2 pm and you can let your followers know that you're always gonna be posting Wednesday at 2 pm, that helps them remember to come back to your channel and continue watching your videos, and that is a major key. So, make sure you include that schedule on your channel header on your page. Make sure you put it in your description box. Make sure you're sharing that on your social media. Let people know when they can expect new videos from you. Stay on that schedule and be consistent with it. Going along with that is tip number four, which is to post frequently. Along with consistency, frequency is a major key. This is something that my mom and I have learned through research. There are channels on YouTube that have grown to over 500,000 subscribers in just one year because they posted every single day. So, I would suggest at least posting three times a week if you can, and if you can, post more than that. Posting everyday would be great, but most people don't have the time for that. If you can, that's great, I know I don't. I currently post four times a week, which is definitely a change from what I used to do. I was never really on a consistent posting schedule and I wasn't really posting as frequently as I should in the past, but now I am consistently posting four times a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and on Saturdays and Sundays. Posting frequently and having a schedule for it is going to help people remember you and continuously come back to your channel and get excited about your videos. If you're too spread out and too all over the place, you become forgettable. The main thing with this is to keep doing it. You can't just be consistent for one month and then fall off. You have to be very consistent and really, really stick to it. So, that brings me to tip number three, which is to plan your content in advance. This might shock you, but it's recommended to have 50 or up to 100 or more video ideas written down at any given time. You need to have a holster, a list, some ammo to work with so that you don't run out of ideas. How do you expect to post consistently and post frequently if you don't have any video ideas to work with? Trying to come up with ideas last minute and just trying to pull things out of your head that day is really not going to help you stay consistent. This is something that I really struggled with in the past. I would only have a few video ideas at a time or maybe not even have any video ideas that week, so I just wouldn't post. And then, I thought I was doing good when I was planning my next week of videos out in advance, but really, it's helpful to have at least a month, two months, three months worth of videos already planned out. So, my mom and I use this website called Trello, which is a content planning website that kind of links with Google Calendar. On the website you can kind of type in all of your video ideas, put in the description for each video, put in some talking points, you can put stuff in there if it's sponsored, stuff that you need to remember. And then, you can kind of click and drag from that list of video ideas onto your Google Calendar and put them on what day you want to post them. That way you can step back from your calendar and at a glance look at everything that you're gonna post and you don't have to stress about it at the last minute. So, that's what I currently do. I went from kind of barely planning out the next week of my videos to now having almost two to three months worth of videos already locked into my calendar. Again, these tips may seem very self-explanatory, very obvious, but the hardest thing about it is actually doing it and consistently doing it. But yeah, I definitely recommend Trello. That way you can get on there and brainstorm your video ideas, and then, click and drag onto your calendar. It helps me out a lot, so I will put that link down below if you guys want to check it out. Not sponsored, just a little tool that we use. Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but if you like what you see so far, why don't you consider subscribing to my channel? It's free and it's fun. You can join the squad and you won't miss out on any of my future uploads. All right, so moving on to tip number two. This is something that we are calling TTD. TTD stands for title, thumbnail, and description box. Now, these topics can get pretty complicated once you really start digging into the YouTube algorithm, the analytics, all the numbers, all the artificial intelligence that YouTube uses to decide what videos get popular and suggested and which ones don't. It can get really complicated if you really do your research, but I'm gonna try and break it down for you guys in the easiest way possible. So, starting off with title. Obviously, your title is important. If you don't know, now you know. Title is very, very important. This is like one of the first and only things that people see when your videos pop up. Are they gonna click on it? Are they not gonna click on it? The title is going to really help with that. But you need to keep in mind, too, things about your title. Yes, it needs to be eye-catching. It needs to be something interesting, exciting, maybe posing a question, having a mystery in there. Something just, you know, maybe a little drama, maybe a little, I don't know, a little razzle dazzle to catch people's eye. But number two is that it also needs to be searchable. So, what I have kind of started doing with my titles recently is kind of almost breaking it up into two sections of the title. The first section, the first few words that people are gonna see is gonna be the exciting words, the eye-catching words, kind of the click bait words. Taking something from the video that is the most exciting and the most interesting and putting that in the front of the title. For example, finding my dream house, or something like that. But for that house hunting video, when people are looking for house hunting videos because they are literally on their own house hunting journey and they're trying to get on YouTube and search for stuff, they're not gonna type in finding my dream house. They're not gonna type in some sensationalized title. They're gonna type in keywords that actually make sense. So, they might type in house hunting, new house shopping, something like that. So, for that video I titled it Found my dream home, house hunting, hunting for a new home, or something like that. That way in the front, the part that people are really gonna see is going to be really exciting, but in the back of the title it's still gonna come up in the search results. So, hopefully that makes sense. Just remember that your title needs to be eye-catching but also searchable. Try to think about keywords that people might actually be typing into the search engine. For the thumbnail, this is probably one of the most important things in terms of getting people interested in your channel and getting them to click on your videos and getting more views on your videos. The thumbnail is the first thing that pops out at you. So, obviously, you want it to be eye-catching, but you also want it to be very clear and easy to understand what is in the photo. Try to avoid using low quality...