How Vicks Vaporub can save your life

Secret uses and surprises of Vicks Vaporub that you surely don't know

With these cold days, colds are the order of the day and to palliate them leave the medicine cabinet, including Vicks Vaporub, an ointment that was born in 1891 as a remedy to relieve coughs and other cold symptoms.  To whom his mother has not thrown a little in the chest to improve congestion!  Well, even if you don't believe it, Vicks Vaporub has a hidden face that hides various alternative uses that go beyond relieving colds.

 1 Headaches

 Put some Vicks Vaporub on your forehead and you will see how headaches and mild migraines improve.  Test it!  and you'll see the feeling of relief you feel in a few minutes.

 2 To fight colds

 Although this point can be considered something obvious, some people point out that it is much more effective to put the Vicks Vaporub on the feet than on the chest or back.  So, the technique would be to rub Vicks Vaporub on the feet, put on some socks and wait for the night to pass, you will see how the next day there is improvement.

 3 Avoid pet urine

 If you are tired of your dog or cat urinating inside the house, the Vicks Vaporub may put an end to this martyrdom, since both dogs and cats can not stand the smell of Vicks Vaporub.  Put a little in the areas of the house where your pet urinates and you will see how he does not do it anymore.  Of course, first make sure with the veterinarian that your pet is not allergic.

 4 Stretch marks

 If you have stretch marks and want to end them, the Vicks Vaporub can give you a hand, since by containing menthol and natural oils it favors the reduction of stretch marks and, in some cases, it can even make them disappear.

 5 Fight insects

 If you are tired of using repellents or aerosols, try using some Vicks Vaporub so that insects do not bite you.  You just have to apply a little on the area of ​​skin that is exposed.  Also, in case of planning an outdoor meal you will be free of insects if you put the Vicks Vaporub boat near the food.

 6 Improves muscle aches

 If you have muscle pain, apply Vicks Vaporub in the affected area and you will notice how its properties relax the muscle tissues in a few minutes.

 7 Against acne

 Acne the enemy number 1 of teenagers may not be so much trouble if you put a little Vicks Vaporub at night in areas where you want to end acne.  The next day you can see how the affected area will have improved.

 8 Finish with toenail fungus

 Simply rub Vicks Vaporub on the affected nail and wait a bit for the ointment to take effect leaving the foot outdoors.  In a couple of days the nail will turn dark, which will be a good sign, as it will be indicative that the fungus is being run out.

 9 Avoid cat scratches

 In the same way that it acts to end the pet's urine, it will act when it is tired of the cat leaving its scratches around the house.  So all you have to do is leave Vicks Vaporub where you don't want the cat to scratch.

 10 heel cracks

 If you have cracked this area of ​​the body you can improve it if you use Vicks Vaporub.  The mechanism to follow will be to apply the ointment on the heels and then put on some socks. The next day you will have to exfoliate the heel with a pumice stone and rinse them with warm water.

 11 Improves bruising

 Are you one of the people to whom any blow produces a cardinal?  Well, if that's your case, Vicks Vaporub can be a good remedy to make them disappear faster.  You just have to mix it with a little salt and pour it over the bruise.